A review by azdesert_bookworm
Lesson Learned by Katie Cawood


If you are looking for a cute, sweet, slow burn romance, this is the book for you! I was very lucky and thankful to be part of the street team for Katie’s book release, so I have been invested in this even before the book cover was even revealed.

While I never taught elementary school, I have been in education for 23 years. I connected with the characters, the classroom moments, the stress of field trips, and even the conference experience.

Basically, we have teachers who work across the hall from each other. It’s clear from the beginning of the book that Owen is in love with Sarah, but Sarah has been in a long term relationship with Eli, the local high school football coach, who turns out to be a complete idiot and you basically hate him from the first interaction. As the story progresses, there is ongoing flirtiness between the two and some serious sexual tension.

I liked the characters. I thought they were struggling through the ups and downs of education in an honest and realistic way. Education causes you to rely on each other and I loved how they all came together as a community to make the school better for the kids.

This is the perfect little rom-com that just makes you happy and leaves you wanting more. The characters' banter and interactions are sweet and fun and make you want to scream that they just don’t get it! The dual POV is perfect in developing and showcasing their conflicting, growing and changing feelings for each other and those they are involved currently with. The structure makes the flow of the reading easy and soon you forget that you are anywhere else.

Yes, there are miscommunication and those obnoxious moments where you just want to slap them in the face, but if they figured it out too soon, there wouldn’t be a book, so I guess I understand. But, I really thought this book was cute and sweet, and I have an extra special soft space in my heart for teachers/education based fiction. It’s back to school season right now, so there is no better time than now to check out this sweet debut novel by Katie Cawood!

Thank you to the author for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Full Review: https://open.substack.com/pub/thebookshelf/p/book-review-lesson-learned-by-katie?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web