A review by ijustkindalikebooks
The Outcast Hours by Jared Shurin, Mahvesh Murad


A collection of short stories perfect for those cold dark nights in winter, especially Halloween, The Outcast Hours brings together some incredible authors from many genres for something sci-fi.

There are some excellent stories in here, drawing from writers such as Frances Hardinge and Will Hill’s talents to share stories that are perfectly written. In particular stories such as ‘Blind Eye’ from Hardinge really were intriguing and I love the idea of a nanny for shady characters. In fact, I want that book to be honest.

I feel sometimes this book could have been shorter to be honest, with some stories not really impressing me, but of course anthologies are books where you find a gem not the whole item and it certainly has given me a list of new writers to look up and read more from. ‘Haunted’ and ‘This Place Of Thorns’ for me were a little off, however there’s so many stunning stories to make up for them.

A great anthology with atmospheric and thought provoking stories, this book is perfect for the scary season.

(I received an ARC from Netgalley for honest review).