A review by thebookplatypus91
Dead Man's Isle by Caroline Peckham, Susanne Valenti


Well, that cliffhanger certainly was not nice. Lol. That is one brutal cliffy.

“I always knew I’d find you again one day, “He said, breathing in deeply like he was trying to inhale my soul. “We were written in blood and bone. The sum of all we ever were and will be.“

Maverick and Rogue together again. Book one definitely left off with me concerned for Rogues life in the hands of Maverick but the beginning of this book, I really feel like their relationship is my favorite one out of all of the other boys in the group. Their love for each other even through all of Rogues frustration and tears, it’s so real and so beautiful. He’s definitely my favorite guy. Overly jealous and possessive and so sexual and steamy. Lol

These two eventually come up with a plan to send Rogue back to the Harlequin Boys and try to steal those damn keys to the crypt.
“I may not have been a big, tough Harley Quinn gangster, but I was a bad ass bitch with a weapon of mass destruction in my fist. “

With her coming back into their lives, it makes them overly protective and it straight up just pisses Rogue off. She promised herself she would never be treated like this again after her disastrous relationship with Shawn. Not to mention we have Chase.
Chase is such a hard character to love or to hate. On one hand his background makes me feel so bad for him. And I can understand his reasoning as to why he backstabbed Rogue in book one. He just wanted to keep his family together. On the other hand he’s now seriously regretting it and let’s just say when the truth comes out, shit explodes.

With the Harlequin brothers falling apart, Luthers character took a interesting turn. And I don’t hate him either. We get more backstory with each and every character especially Luthers reasons as to why he forced Rogue away.

And the huge issue of the story. Going back to Shawn. The crazy psychopath. He is the reason why we have a truly horrible cliffhanger in book 2. This guy will not die. Lol I’m truly invested in this story and I hope that cliffhanger takes a turn for the better and book 3. Lol

Also, did anyone see the quick reference to Zodiac Academy? I was seriously dying laughing over it!