A review by divyaiyer
The Clockwork Man by William Jablonsky


When I picked up this book for a read, my basic assumption was that I was picking up a sci-fi title. The name suggested that, and whatever I read of the blurb did too. I have read science fiction before, but mainly of the Michael Crichton genre. Thrillers, in one word. But when I finally read this book, in the first couple of chapters I realised, this, was not that.

So what is 'The Clockwork man' about? As the name suggests, it is about a machine-man, called Ernst. One who is invented by a famous clockmaker of the 19th century. Still sounds like science fiction? Well, this is where it ends.

The Clockwork man takes you on a through and through emotional journey, all from the eyes of this machine-man, who is supposed to have no feelings, no emotions. "Created to fascinate, designed to serve, until he broke free”, he lives to this tagline. He is treated as a member of the family by his creator, and he lives for them, to serve them.

Ernst, is not a mere invention, he is an individual. And the book is narrated in the form of his diary where he notes down all that he sees, his views on 'his' family, especially about Giselle, the inventor's daughter, for whom he has a soft corner, something unlikely in a machine.

The language and the visuals in the narrative are very 19th century, which adds to the authenticity of the tale. Half the book later, circumstances change, and Ernst wakes up in 2005. The contrast between the time periods is depicted in a very fascinating manner.

That being said, I found it difficult to associate the feelings of Ernst to someone who is not supposed to have any, and I kept imagining him as just another person, perhaps a servant, who is indebted to the family, and in general is too innocent to understand the ways of the world. That made the story more believable, especially in the second half, when he reminisces the past often.

Overall, an interesting read, because it gives you an unlikely combination of sentiments and science fiction. But I would still suggest you give it a go, if the concept interests you. And also because, overall, the narration, the contrasts drawn in time and the visuals depicted , are quite impressive.