A review by storyjum
Out of Spite, Out of Mind by Scott Meyer


A five star performance from Luke Daniels, a five star story right up until Brit turned into a vindictive, spiteful cow and pole-axed poor old Phillip. Darkened what I thought was an incredibly fun story. I must of missed something, but I can't quite get my head around how her planting of false memories in another version of herself of Phillip cheating on her was justified, that seems like a disturbingly manipulative, petty, cruel thing to do.
Disappointing, as this story was incredibly entertaining up until that point. Phillip's perfectly awkward forced laugh as he tries to rationalize taking his staff into the bathroom, the "Goblin's" reaction to Martin's "spell of disapproval" and the Harry Potter ripoff glowing Moose were memorable highlights, but there were plenty of other amusing, clever and hilarious scenes that really highlight how much fun the writer and narrator had with this book (Dance is in the Heart choreographed fight scene, "Looks like you fell for the banana in the tailpipe!, the varied references to Future Phillip's bedraggled appearance i.e. "Hobo Phillip").
I'm tempted to give this 1 or 2 stars for how strikingly bad I found the Brit/Phillip scenario but when I think of how good the rest was I can't stay mad at it!