A review by goldluula
The Girl in the Mask by Marie-Louise Jensen


Well, it wasn't that amazing, but it was good enough that I stayed up about a quarter of the night to finish it.
So, thanks again Kindle! Where would I be without you to supply me with cheapish books in your sales :D
Okay. So we have Sophia, rich young lady, been living for years with her cousin Jack. We have Jack, seems like a nice guy for the 5 minutes we get to know him in, and then we have Sophia's father. And he is one mean guy.
Sophia's father has just returned from a four year journey to the West Indies. From this point onwards, Sophia knows that her life as it has been will now come to a close. No longer will she be able to live freely, without any of the social necessities that have been shoved upon her since birth. She will now be expected to become a young lady, settle down and find a husband.

Spoilers below

Okay, so bits of this just plain pissed me off. I mean, we have Jack at the beginning, and Sophia spends a great deal of the book mooning over him, and complaining about how it's so unfair, blah blah blah. But then we never hear from him again, until the end of the book where it's found out that he's been shipped off. I mean, could we not have had more information?
And Bill. What happened to Bill in the end?
Mr. Allen... Did he ever have a first name, and what happened to him?
Also, did Mr Carleton and Sophia ever get together... I mean, there was this whole big romance blossoming between them, and then nothing. Nada. Zilch. Love doesn't go away that quickly...