A review by winemakerssister
Beginner's Luck by Kate Clayborn


Kit and her two friends won the lottery, but it hasn't had much of an effect on her life. Except that she's been able to purchase a run-down 1870s row house. Otherwise she continues to work as a lab assistant and metallurgical engineer at the local university.

Ben arrives on the scene to recruit her to work at a large corporation, but she's not the least bit interested. She has carved out a niche for herself in this small university town and isn't interested in moving. But she is interested in Ben....

Cover: Okay
Narrators: Carly Robins did a good job. Will Damron sometimes veers into an overly dramatic/used-car-salesman voice.
Hogwarts Sorting Hat: She's definitely a Ravenclaw. Ben is more difficult to sort. He has qualities of both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but I think I'll sort him into Slytherin because of his earlier ambition. (Although I keep changing my mind...)

Themes: lottery winner, scientist, house renovation, friends, family