A review by aschwennsen
The Journey of Ibn Fattouma by Naguib Mahfouz


Here's the deal: There are so many things that I really like about this book. I think that the writing is enjoyable, it's simple and to the point but uses really wonderful words to convey meaning and descriptions. I really enjoyed the parts where sages defended their ways of thinking, and I loved the different lands as he progressed.

However, I was honestly just annoyed by the main character. He struck me as selfish and I was often frustrated with his actions. I admired his desire to learn more and to use the knowledge to help better his homeland, I think that's a really great quest. However, so many times along the way he would resume his quest at the absolute worst times. I also think he was a bit arrogant - he always seemed to think that he was a lot better than his actions led me to believe that he was.

Overall, I would recommend this book. It's a quick and intriguing read, as I said above, I found the descriptions of the lands and his conversations with sages (who often made fantastic remarks that caused him to rethink or at least question his own homeland) to be very interesting and engaging parts of the book.