A review by kylielovesbooks
Fractured Path by J.C. Cervantes


3.5 stars
This was a really fun continuation of the Mirror series. This series follows several generations of the same magical family and each book is about a different generation. This one took place in the 1960's in San Francisco. It follows Blake who periodically has visions when she touches an object. She learns about a lost family heirloom and a curse on their family.
Blake was a wonderful main character and I loved her friendship with her best friend Olivia. Blake lived with her aunt and uncle and they had a great family dynamic that was very believable.
The plot was a little bit slow moving at first, but the ending had some great twists and it really ended with a kind of cliffhanger that makes me really excited for the last book!
Thank you to Netgalley and Disney Books for an audio copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!