A review by winemakerssister
Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan


Another enjoyable read from Jenny Colgan, but reading this and The Little Shop on the Corner back-to-back just highlights their similarities. There's almost a formula here: a woman redefining her life in a remote small town. She surrounds herself with cozy things that she loves. And it doesn't stop there - in both cases the woman has a relationship with a man she finds out is married, and eventually ends up with the quirky taciturn friend instead.

However, Neil the Puffin was wonderful!

I'm going to take a break and get back to more of her books later. My library has about 5 or 6 of them so I'll be good for a while...

Cover: I'm pretty disappointed in this one. Honestly it looks like a mock-up and not a final cover. The photograph is kind of unappealing and I don't like it in combination with the drawing. The irony is that Polly's ex is a graphic designer. Too bad he didn't design the cover!
Narrator: Not the right narrator. I'm sure she's fine in other circumstances, but she is too old for this story. And her portrayal of men - especially Huckle and his Savannah accent - is just awful.
Hogwarts Sorting Hat: This is another tricky couple. I guess Polly is a Gryffindor and Huckle is a Hufflepuff. But that's just my gut reaction.

Themes: Cornwall, tide island, bakery, baking bread, puffin, beekeeping, commercial fishing