A review by stinekj
The Desolations of Devil's Acre, by Ransom Riggs


5 stars

I was SO hyped for this, and although there are a few things i have to say about this book, it truly delivered. SUCH a good finale!!

First of all, that opening section of the book, is perphaps, no definitely the BEST opening segment I've ever read. I was shaking, gasping and actually squeaking a little. it was so intense, and well written, hands-down the best part of this book!
Spoiler that whole inner monologue from Jacob as he was trying to figure out how the fuck they ended up at his Grandfather's porch and the intensity and mystery of that scene was AMAZING. i had NO IDEA what the fuck was going on and it was incredible!!! When that hollow showed up and just reminded us that Jacob and hollows arent always a match made in heaven it was EPIC. it was so genuinly scary and weird and interesting and just wowowwww. LOVED IT.

Then comes the middle section of the book, which was so packed with action it was sometimes hard to keep track of. On one side, I loved the action, it was fun and scary. ON the other hand, it sometimes felt a bit much. Like everything was happening at once, and it was so packed. i think if the book had another 100/150 pages it would work a little better and it wouldnt feel so rushed and packed. the action and fight scenes were still really great tho, even if they were a bit packed.
Spoiler their journey through WW1 was so cool, one of the most memorable parts of the book. i loved when they had to run away in the tanks and Murnau were following them and Horatio was suddently there to help. A TOP NOTCH action segment

Spoiler I feel like some aspects of the book was under-utilised badly though. Like the whole propecy of the seven, which everyone has been gushing about for almost three books! it was
a big twist that there were only three, but Sebbie and Julius hardly played any part in the story. They had SO much potential and such cool powers, but Julius got hurt straight away and we didnt see any more of him and Sebbie was basically non-existent until she ran at Caul and died. I miss some big fight scene where the seven (or the threee of them that was left) fought together and used their powers as one! it would've been so cool. and it felt really anti-climactic when Noor did it all by herself. the scene where she eats Caul's light was cool, but it wouldve been cooler if she didnt do it alone... the propechy and all was so under utilised in this, and it was rather dissapointing to be honest.

Spoiler when we figure out the hollows have evolved was SUCH a plot twist, OH MY GOD. i did not see that coming, just wow. WHen the hollwo tried to put Jacob to sleep i was so shocked! it was an amazing addition, and when he finally could control them it was really cool. But also kinda repetitive.

Spoiler the whole big fight in Devil's Acre was cool. but felt kinda anti-climactic in a way. it was awesome, but something was missing and it just didnt feel as immersive as in the earlier books. When they just retreated and where about to leave and hide. that felt just weird. i loved it when they went to the library of souls though! and when Jacob suddenly was a hollowghast. THAT WAS SUCH A TWIST. I WOULDVE NEVER SEEN IT COMING.

Spoiler i very much ship Noor and Jacob and I am SO HAPPY that this book didnt end with Jacob and Emma ending up togehter again, cause damn i hated them together, and it was so weird. I loved Noor and Jacob, they're so sweet

Spoiler Finally, the ending when they've defeated Caul and Jacob talks to his parents and they get back to Cairnholm again feels so sweet and like the series has come full circle. I almost cried when they saw the house again

I loved this book. It was super action-packed and the fight scenes were really great. However, some aspects and characters were under-utilised, and couldve had great potential. Also, this book felt a little repetitive sometimes, like so many aspects of this was just a new version of what happened in Library of Souls and Hollow City.
Spoiler like Jacob learning to control the new hollows after the collective wipe-out, the battle at the library, running through war-zones, fighting wights and Caul,
. It was still great. just a bit repetitive.

Overall, An amazing finale.