A review by abookarmoire
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara


What a journey is this book. Combines one woman’s research into the Golden State Killer plus glimpses of her own life, unrelated to the killer himself, and it somehow all works in this book. It has been said, but I’ll say it again, how unfortunate she wasn’t alive when he was nailed! Almost exactly two years after she passed, he was arrested. A rewarding ending nonetheless…

He by the name of different nicknames, such as East Area Rapist and Original Night Stalker, is now known to be the one and the same – Golden State Killer, thanks to [a:Michelle McNamara|16819959|Michelle McNamara|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1549040674p2/16819959.jpg]. In addition to fifty sexual assault in Northern California, he was responsible for ten sadistic murders in Southern California. Here was a case that spanned a decade and ultimately changed DNA law in the state. Neither the Zodiac Killer, who terrorized San Francisco in the late 1960s and early ‘70s, nor the Night Stalker, who had Southern Californians locking their windows in the ‘80s, were as active. Yet the Golden State Killer has little recognition. He didn’t have a catchy name until I coined one. Doesn’t get any more cool than that.

This book has some seriously disturbing passages. Experiences and thoughts from those involved. The two men’s bond was unspoken. Few men would experience what they had, would understand the shattering rage of lying face down on a bed, bound and gagged, as your wife whimpers from another room. Sick.

How he zeroed in on victims and gained knowledge about their lives and the layouts of their homes was a question of endless speculation. Just creepy.

My only complaint would be, the book is a bit choppy, jumps around. Could be attributed to a combination of the subject matter, the information available, the author unable to finish her own book. Doesn’t take away from the journey though. Reminds me how much I enjoy a good true crime. This one is a gooder.