A review by melagrossi
Always on My Mind by Bella Andre


All good things must end… well kind of… while this is the last San Francisco Sullivan we’ve been told by Bella that we’ve got several Seattle Sullivans coming and maybe more. Hopefully we’ll touch base with our original clan here and there to find out about babies, and weddings, and all that good stuff. The saddest part of a last book in a series is I never know how the rest of their lives turned out, and believe me, if I spend 8 or more books with you I’m kind of invested… don’t even get me started on my Divine Creek/Heather Rainier addiction (14 plus and counting).

But let’s get back to Naughty… OK Lori, for the past 7 books we’ve heard whispers about some fella who no one in the family thinks is any good for her. I figured this was the book where the two of them got their stuff together and figured it all out and having their happily ever after… Turns out the family was right, this guy, Victor, was bad, bad news, and after Lori catches him in bed with another dancer she turns tail, packs her bags and leaves her show in Chicago to head home to lick her wounds.

Upon further consideration Lori realizes the *VERY* last thing she needs right now is 15 people saying I told you so… the math words, that’s 7 siblings, 7 spouses and Mom, Summer and the babies will just be full of hugs, no judgement… In a spur of the moment decision she rents a car and asks the nice lady at the rental counter for a suggestion of a calm, quiet place to go within reasonable driving distance. She ends up in the pastoral setting of Pescadero where she finds an ad posted for a farm hand. She needs to escape for a while, and how hard could being a farm hand actually be, right?

Directions in hand she goes barreling off to the farm in need of said hand… and in Naughty fashion arrives with a crash, into a fence, while trying to avoid hitting a chicken run amok… The startled farmer doesn’t know what to make of the crazy lady, who has scared his chicken, cracked up his fence and is now freaking out… oh and when I said she turned tail to run back home I meant it, she is still currently wearing her sparkly costume for her dance show, and tights and heels… that hunky farmer doesn’t know what hit him.

And let’s talk about that hunky farmer, Grayson Tyler… he’s overwhelmed by Super Storm Lori barreling in to his farm. He’s here because it’s quiet, and no one bothers him, and there are no high heels, sparkly dresses or larger than life beautiful women. He’s come to Pescadero for the same reason as Lori, to get away, he’s escaping the sadness and guilt he feels over his wife’s death three years ago.

Seeing something in her eyes that mirrors his own pain he decides to take her on as the farm hand, on probation of course, to give her the peace of the farm that he’s felt over these years.

They get to know each other in bits and pieces, there are pigs and cows and fence mayhem testing each of them and pushing them together.

I love their story, we’ve waited so long for Naughty to get her chance at love, and Bella weaves it beautifully.

You want to keep turning the pages to find out more about what each of them are hiding from, and what they’re hiding from each other.

A Sunday lunch at Mary Sullivan’s house takes them out of their bucolic haven, and into the real world. Can people who seem to be from two very different worlds make it work?

Pick it up, and read it, love it, the end game wrap up is what I hoped for and more.

Keep an eye out for our first Seattle Sullivan Rafe in The Way You Look Tonight coming Summer 2013. Thanks to Novel Publicity and Bella Andre for the Advanced Reviewer Copy, it was a treat to get my Sullivan Sibling fix a little early.