A review by lunaxlore
Melt My Heart by Bethany Rutter


3.5 rounded up to a 4 for this lovely fat, queer finding-yourself story!

Thanks so much to Macmillan Children’s Books, Bethany Rutter, and NetGalley for providing me with an eArc of this title! I knew I had to request this book when I read that it featured a fat protagonist who actually – gasp! – likes her body most of the time! And that adorable cover – can’t forget the draw of a good cover design. Minor warnings for mentions of fatphobia, homophobia, racism – but dealt with sensitively throughout.

Read the full review here: https://narrativelyyoursblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/17/melt-my-heart-by-bethany-rutter-book-review/