A review by lucy_qhuay
Destined by S. Young, Samantha Young


Oh boy, this book was full of angst and heartache! :(

But don't be fooled! It still is a great book and an amazing continuation to an awesome series. I totally recommend you to read it!

After having the shock of her life, finding out her true heritage (she's half-lykan and half-magik), Caia Ribeiro is caught in the middle of an ancient war, torn between her loyalty toward the Daylights and the surprising knowledge that she now has about the minds of the Midnights.

You won't believe the twists and turns this book has until you've read it!
I was once more amazed by Caia's strength, will and the depth of her emotions.
She suffered so much and, still, she never backed down and never gave up on what she thought was the right thing to do.
I was particularly touched by the pain she felt the entire time over Lucien. :'(
Gosh, but the man could be really thickheaded! :S
It was really difficult for her to see him all cold and untouchable and then, all warm towards Rose. And he had the nerve to be angry with her!
Didn't he see that she was pulling away because she was hurt? Because she loves him and she thought that he had turned his back on her and had a thing with Rose? :(

But you know what? Even acting like that, I loved to see them together! I loved to see all that angst, hurt and sexual tension!
You could tell that they were both suffering, wanting to break the wall of ice standing between them, but they didn't know how to do it! The love between them was obvious but because they were both idiots, neither saw it!
If only they had forgotten their pride earlier, they wouldn't have suffered so. *sigh*
But I am happy that they are finally happily together, as I wanted them to be! +.+
*sigh* My heart is so much lighter!

The end of the book really worried me. I hope that Caia doesn't suffer like Jaeden suffered at Ethan's hands!

One more thing I need to talk about - I really loved how Samantha brought Jaeden and Ryder's story!
I am so glad that she is finally free of her torment. And now she has Ryder, who is such a nice guy!

Looking forward to know more about the gang! :)