A review by monaslittleuniverse
Warrior by Antonica Jones


You can't even imagine for how long I wanted to read this book.
I funded the Kickstarter campaign and without really realizing it, I put this book aside, like many others.

This is a SFF anthology featuring heroes who identify within the LGTQIAP+ spectrum and I'm pretty sure most of them are #ownvoices? But I'm really not sure for that...
Before talking about the stories, I really liked that they listed all the trigger warnings for each stories. Unfortunately it isn't done enough even though it can really help some readers.

This book features twelve stories and I have to say that I really liked all of them! It was quite diverse, there's a story featuring an aro ace character, another one feature an intersex main character and most of the characters are poc.... We also have some disabled main characters with mostly physical disabilities.

Of course, I do have some favourite stories! Just like I said before, I really liked all of the stories but some of them stuck more with me than others, so here's a short list!
Metal Mermaid by Kelly Matsuura
Glass Bones by Kirstie Olley
Nothing Good to Say by E. H. Timms
From Dust 'til Dawn by Helle Reiersen
And my absolute favourite was Sole Survivor by Lewis Bright Rees!