A review by brieblocker97gmailcom
Cursed by H.M. Ward


Ivy. Strong, Heroic, Powerful, Constantly trying to do the right thing. Constantly being twarted. Every time she thinks shes taking a step in the right direction something unpredictable happens making her seemingly good deed into something catastrophic. But does she give up? Nope.

Collin. Freakin selfless. All he cares about is keeping Ivy away so she can be safe even though he is literally going through hell. Not to mention charming and (in my mind) hot:)

Eric. Holy crap Eric! He went from being judmental to the love of my life in this book. I swear he'll never be able to do anything that will make me not love him ever again. I want to go on but I don't want to give anything away.

Ok. Now the actual book.

It starts kind of slow, but I think it's nessassary overall. As soon as it picks up a few chapters in it doesn't stop. There are crazy twist through out the whole thing. I can't believe half of the things that happened. It's insane and I'm so excited to find out what happens next.

There are three reasons I didn't give this book five stars. One is because for the first half of the book it kept mentioning how much the Martis hated Ivy because she was part Valefare. That was kind of a given and saying it once or twice probably would have been fine. Second was also a repetition thing about how she came to be half Martis half Valefar and how she'd saved Collin. If people have read the first book which i think is pretty nessessary to understanding this one then they should all ready know all those details. And third because it was too short! I reached the last page and freaked out when there wasn't another one. I think I'll be watching for Torn like everyday until it comes out. I can't wait!:)