A review by _evyn_
Duke of Pleasure by Elizabeth Hoyt


<I'm glad Alf got a book. I think there's a decent amount of nonbinary and drag denial and erasure from the adults, specifically Hugh, which speaks to his fragile masculinity 🙄 but Peter and Kit know what's up and after first introduction to the idea of him being just Alf and not a woman (as per her own declaration at least twice), are more accepting and open about her use of labels and pronouns. I didn't think Alf was going to get a book tbh but I really wanted him to and in the end, I did really like it even though the forced narrative was that Alf was scared to be a woman and needed to be forced into the label (really into what the label stood for at that time) rather than be comfortable in the knowledge that they were just themself and sometimes identified with both binary genders but more often identifing herself by status in society instead of gender. It is telling that the conflict Alf thought was happening between himself and Hugh was bc of her position as a "street urchin" and not about gender whereas Hugh did acknowledge that and assumed he couldn't be with her bc of that reason but really just focused on the main fact that Alf's gender presentation wasn't what he would normally seek in a partner so he wouldn't accept Alf not being a woman by saying she gave him an erection so she must be a woman bc he wouldn't have been attracted to Alf otherwise. Seems like a you problem, Hugh. Alf doesn't owe you gender. In the end, she does feel more comfortable to try different forms of gender presentation which she didn't get a chance to do before bc dressing like a woman in St. Giles was dangerous for her safety but I do think we are left to believe she is not scared to become a proper lady now that she isn't in St. Giles when that doesn't suit her character and I think she will be experimenting more with all forms of dress now that he is safe to do so unless she is pressured by His Grace Fragile Masculinity to stay in dresses which is ilentirely plausible as he made her buy a bunch before the wedding. Anyway my interpretation is may be a little off canon but it makes more sense and is honestly more comforting and realistic>