A review by moviemavengal
Family Man by Heidi Cullinan, Marie Sexton


Three and a half to four stars.

M/m melodrama set in Chicago. There are two women authors, and the POV changes with each chapter from one man to the other in the relationship. I downloaded this because it is the Smart Bitches book club choice for April.

Three times divorced Vince Fierro is a macho Italian working class guy who after fixing the garbage disposal of a loving gay couple, comes to the realization that he may be a closeted gay. He's terrified that his controlling nearly suffocating interfering family will find out and ostracize him like his Uncle Hank. He finds he's attracted to Trey, a mid-20's college student from the family neighborhood. Trey has his own issues, he's out to his small family, which consists of his grandmother, and his alcoholic mother. Trey works two jobs and attends school, supporting his family. (Why a kid with all that would choose English as a major, even if you want to teach, is a question that perturbed my mind.) Trey tries to hide from everyone around him his issues with his agoraphobic cough syrup slugging mother.

Vince's sister says he should test himself by going to a gay bar. He's about to leave when he runs into Trey. The relationship evolves fairly slowly for most m/m books, with each man having their own obstacles. In all it was very sweet, and when Trey's family spins out of control, that is the catalyst for Vince to step up to his family, and to be support to Trey.

Really enjoyed it, and it kept me up reading, unlike the other book I've been reading this week!