A review by kennethwade
Les Blancs: The Collected Last Plays: The Drinking Gourd/What Use Are Flowers? by Lorraine Hansberry, Robert A. Nemiroff


I’m so happy to have read this collection of 3 plays by the amazing Lorraine Hansberry. Each of the plays is totally different and offers its own universe to explore and ponder. Hansberry is great at fleshing out her characters and raising questions about morality and humanity as a whole.

Les Blancs details an uprising against colonialism in an African country. The Drinking Gourd follows a group of slaves and the white family that owns them on a plantation. What Use Are Flowers? is a post apocalyptic play in which an old hermit returns to civilization and takes it upon himself to educate the last surviving human children.

Each of these plays is full of complexity and shades of gray, providing plenty opportunity for thought and discussion. I am truly honored to live in a universe in which Hansberry did too.

5 out of 5