A review by storiesofsilva
But What If We're Wrong? Thinking About the Present As If It Were the Past by Chuck Klosterman


Really fascinating thought experiment with cool topics like the Multiverse, the future of the NFL and team sports, the "hero's journey" phenomenon in determining the defining rock 'n' roll star of our lifetime, and even the Constitutional foundations of American democracy. But really, all the book boils down to is this: how we currently view the universe and all cultural artifacts within depends on context and perspective, and as society develops, those contexts will change and everything that we currently take for granted will almost definitely be viewed differently in a matter of years. We haven't discovered all that can possibly exist, so of course our collective knowledge and peoples' cultural tastes will evolve. All in all, it was a relatively quick read although pretty far out at times, but some of the chapters go on a bit longer than necessary and get into very abstract territory. Regardless, Klosterman is still one of the more fun pop culture writers out there.