A review by myestorie
Fever by Stephanie Nicole Norris

emotional funny medium-paced


Josiah and Santana story was good but not my favorite.  As Only If You Dare tells us, Santana has left Houston and moved to Chicago with her best friend Desiree.  As she’s getting settled in a not-so-great job, she is also rekindling her friendship with Josiah Rose. Josiah is the only Rose who is not an owner of his own business.   When his father chooses to intervene in that, he gives Josiah an ultimatum.  

I hate that all the women have emotional issues and insecurities.  Santana was a different woman with Josiah than she was in book three. It was ridiculous for her to come up with the plan.  I never understood why she would agree to something like that when she knew what she felt for Josiah.  
Josiah was all over the place.  One minute he wanted something real and not just for the plan and the next minute he was playing on her emotions.  The last scene completely bothered me.  On one hand I understood him wanting to be honest, but to do it in front of a crowd, was a no no.  As sweet as the moment was supposed to be, it was embarrassing. 

Overall, this was a decent read but my least favorite in the series.  There was too much back and forth and Josiah wasn’t my favorite Rose brother.  The author attempted to portray him as being as great as his brothers, but more often than not he was too immature for me.  I’m also hoping that at least one woman in this series won’t be insecure and emotionally damaged.  That seems to be the theme so far.