A review by kodama_dan
Dancing at the Pity Party by Tyler Feder


So I usually avoid sad books/movies/series since my mum died, especially if it involves someone sick or dying, but when I saw this, I bought it instantly as it just felt like the book I needed.

There are so many similarities to my situation, My mum died from cancer almost 10 years ago at age 49, when I was 26. I am the oldest of 3. We’re Jewish. I have social anxiety. I’m creative. My mum also had super neat handwriting! So many parts of this story were so similar. Our family will never feel the same again and there were many parts of this book that put into writing exactly how I feel. Not everything but a lot. My mum was an amazing person who I miss terribly.

I read this with a lump in my throat with one big ugly cry and a few smaller ones. It was fantastically written and drawn, it’s honest and funny and I think Tyler’s mum would be super proud.

And I hope somewhere out there is a girl who still has Little Miss Barf Bag.