A review by amethyst_hearts_books
Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss


I am the choir that this book is preaching too. I gave up added sugar around 2011, and very rarely have it now. I don't drink pop (it tastes gross to me now, too) or juice, I don't eat any meat except for fish (this is mostly because I have never liked red meat, and only sort of tolerated poultry. I don't even like fish that much, to be honest), I don't eat fast food or junk food except for potato chips. My favourite kind of potato chips are plain Ruffles. I eat whole grains and brown rice (I find brown rice tastes better, too). I don't feel like everything I eat needs to be exciting and taste great, and because I gave up red meat when I was 13, I learned early on how to read labels and check for nutrients. I was also vegan for 5 years somewhere in there, and when I tried milk again, I thought it tasted gross, so I drink unsweetened Silk soymilk.

That said, I did find this book a little long, especially the sugar portion.