A review by artsymusings
4 Blondes by Candace Bushnell


First off, the cover promised a good dose of chick lit and the synopsis wasn't bad either. But then the trouble started; usually my choice in books isn't so bad and a book by the renowned author of 'Sex and the City' seemed too good to pass. Too bad it was a trashy book.

It will eventually find it way to trash 'cause it is too bad of a book to give it to someone even as a charity read. I wouldn't dare put anyone else through the same torture I went through. It is indeed a miracle that I finished reading it!

Anyhow, the story was about (you guessed it) four ladies who were either trying hard to catch a mate for a summer in Hamptons or trying hard to adjust with a low turnout in expectations from her husband.

It is a purely desperate book and well, the only good thing that came out of was probably that it left me feeling lucky enough not to be a blonde! No pun intended.