A review by s_a_crow
Hatched by Celia Kyle, Erin Tate


Dragons of Preor
Erin Tate & Celia Kyle

This book series is related to The Ujal series and that reading Dashing Through the Stars would be helpful. Well, you can guess if you have read a few of these. I haven’t read The Ujal series or Dashing Through the Stars no I started with the 2nd book and then went and found as many as I could find on my library application. I am not usually a fan of Sci/fi romance, I can only assume that this came up in my reading list because I do occasionally read paranormal/shifter romance and have a few dragon shifter romance novels in my favorites list. I was surprised that I liked so many of these. The series uses the special mate trope that is common in paranormal/shifter romance novels. How can we not love the thought that there is someone out there destined to be ours forever?

Dashing Through the Stars (novella)
Ivoth (didn’t finish)
Brukr (didn’t read yet)
A Baby for Chashan (didn’t read yet)
Argan (didn’t finish)
Vende (didn’t read yet)
Whelon (didn’t read yet)

If you like this trope I would recommend this surprising series and I will be adding The Ujal series to my TBR for 2021.