A review by readingwithlibby
Breathless by Jennifer Niven


Holding up the universe and all the bright places are two of my favourite books so I had such high hops for breathless but honestly I’m actually really disappointed. I found the book to be very uneventful and quite boring. Claude really annoyed me as a character. I felt she was very selfish and caught up in her own life and her own drama without thinking about those around her. Maybe it’s because my parents separated when I was a baby and I was brought up by just my mum, but I found Claude’s reaction to her parents separating way too dramatic and quite childish. I didn’t like the way she treated miah or her best friend saz. She just felt very spoiled to me. I did enjoy the writing style and the imagery of the island was beautiful. I also loved miah and really rooted for him. Overall I really didn’t like the book and wouldn’t read it again.