A review by olivera420
Earth Girl by Janet Edwards


1.5 stars

The book started off with an interesting idea, and I think it could have been much better. I just like my books to have a bit of mystery in them, and this book didn't. There wasn't anything mysterious in Earth Girl. Everything from chapter 1 was predictable, and a little bit unbelievable.

I mean the whole denial thing in the middle of the book! Seriously? After she heard her parents are dead she just starts living in a fantasy world where they are still alive, and she is an exo, and everything is perfect?? I mean come on! It wasn't that big of a trauma for that to happen. If she had known her parents it would have been understandable; but she only talked to them once, and her whole life she thought they had abandoned her and she hated them for it.

But I guess it had to be that way so she could get together with Fian. Whom she likes just because he looks like Arrack San Domex, a celebrity she idolizes because he has nice "legs"! Jarra falls for Fian and he for her after only a couple of days! I am not a fan of romances where a couple falls in love at first sight, because that in my opinion isn't love. I think you have to get to know a person before you fall in love with them, and you can't get to know someone that quickly... When you first see a person the only thing you know is that they are good looking, and nothing else. But in Jarra and Fian's case at least it was a couple of days... but that's still too fast for my taste. And the fact he already wants them to get married is just ridiculous. But, of course, they can't get married because they need at least three Twoing contracts before that. And I won't even start listing everything that is wrong with those silly contracts!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention... if I hear the "word" blizz one more time I swear I'll rip this book in half!
"After being confined in a heavy impact suit for hour upon hour, this was blizz, complete and utter blizz."

"Five minutes break to lie down and relax is blizz."

"... and there was a moment of pure blizz when I changed into my sleep suit and crawled into my sleep sack."

Overall, Earth Girl wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't my cup of tea.