A review by narteest
Goldenhand by Garth Nix


This took me ages to read, but not for the usual reasons. It wasn't boring. Not quite. Nor was it a dense utterly ridiculous thing to read. I was busy and I could only get in a chapter at a time. If I had read this in one session, I reckon the enjoyment level would have taken off. There's nothing quite like the world of the Old Kingdom, Charter and Free Magic. It's wonderful, and a very comforting trip into nostalgia. In fact, I'm diving back into my old favourite, Sabriel now that I've read Goldenhand!

I am, without a doubt, completely biased about anything to do with Garth Nix or the Old Kingdom books. It's because as a child, Sabriel was the second, after Harry Potter, that I distinctly remember reading on my own. Lirael and Abhorsen have a smaller place in my heart, but as belonging to a favourite series, they have a semi biased place in my history of reading. So reading Goldenhand was a must, regardless.

There will be a more comprehensive review later on, however, in short Goldenhand feels like the introduction of a greater plot at hand (like the way Lirael led to Abhorsen). It brings back old favourites and continues on where Abhorsen left off. Granted, I didn't like Lirael as much as I did Sabriel and Touchstone, so I was super ecstatic when those two played more than a minor role! I am mildly disappointed that the ending was rushed. However, I look forward to the next books published.

(December 2021)
Reread and thoroughly enjoyed it! Read it much quicker this time because I had time to do so.