A review by rennegade
Midnight Is the Darkest Hour by Ashley Winstead


I enjoyed [b:The Last Housewife|59349100|The Last Housewife|Ashley Winstead|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1649778403l/59349100._SY75_.jpg|93510806] even though it was dark and distressing as fuck, so I was excited to dive into another novel by this author. This book, unfortunately, did not work for me.

The biggest let down was the main character. She was aggressively stupid, to the point where being in her POV the entire novel was very annoying. I straight-up cackled when she
Spoilerbasically plagiarized Twilight to accuse her best friend of being the Low Man.

There were all kinds of twists and turns in this book, but it did not feel well-paced, and the ending was ridiculous.

This was a miss for me, but I'd still be willing to try more by this author.