A review by sophiessulit
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind


He realized that all his life he had been a nobody to everyone. What he now felt was the fear of his own oblivion. It was as though he did not exist.

I read this book for my 100 book challenge. I already read it in school a few years back, and I really liked it, so it wasn't too hard to get back into it! The edition was a dream, it is sooo beautiful, I still cannot get enough of it. But I had the feeling I remembered nothing from the book. Like, everything felt like I read it for the first time and Idk why, but somehow that felt odd. I also had a hard time with some of the chapters, especially the one in the cave, as I felt like they were endless and had no real meaning behind them. So I thought they were kind of boring. Other than that, I liked it, even though I wouldn't particularly read it again.