A review by meezcarrie
My Hope Next Door by Tammy L. Gray


Real characters dealing with real life, some really great chemistry and some really hot kisses – right up my alley!

Katie and Asher have both made mistakes they regret, but they come from very different backgrounds and have very different reputations to overcome. The classic “bad girl” image follows Katie around town, even at home, no matter how deeply she knows she is a new person. For Asher, it’s just the opposite. He has to fight the “pastor’s son” reputation – of being held to a higher standard by the church and by the community. Both are afraid for people to really see the depth of their failures, and both are weary of the facade each has been maintaining. One of the most beautiful and touching things to me about My Hope Next Door is watching their friendship develop and deepen – long before they fall in love – into one that allows them to be flawed safely with each other.

If you were a bit of a wild child before you met Jesus and you’ve got a past you regret, you (and Katie) will find much grace in this book. If you, like me, were the “good girl” but you have a moment you regret, you (and Asher… though he is not a girl lol) will find much grace in this book. If you find it difficult to move beyond your reputation, you will find much grace in this book. And if you’ve ever been bullied or belittled by people who should have been your biggest champions, you will find much grace in this book.

You will also find some fantastically fan-requiring kisses in My Hope Next Door! And a swoonworthy hero (once he sets his mind to pursue Katie… watch out!!) and a heroine you’ll want to hug. And an antagonist you’ll want to purse whomp – on a day when you’ve returned from the library with an extra large haul – at least until you find a whole lot of grace in his story too. You’ll also find one of my favorite depictions of a pastor and pastor’s wife ever – I adore Asher’s parents!!! Wise and compassionate and fun and full of … you guessed it …GRACE.

In fact, Tammy L. Gray wraps every page of My Hope Next Door in grace. Gray doesn’t shy away from the raw reality of brokenness but it’s written tastefully and with great care, and the spiritual elements are equally met head-on without being “in your face” or preachy. The main characters have an electric chemistry, but their romance is more of a slow burn – and the friendship that forms first is one of my favorite things about the book. But… never fear! Once the slow burn gets some heat behind it, you’ll need to break out your trusty fan for the kisses that follow! If you like Julie Lessman’s Isle of Hope series or Kristen Heitzmann’s novels, make sure you check out My Hope Next Door and Tammy L. Gray as well.

(I received a copy of this book in exchange for only my honest review.)

See my full review at Reading Is My SuperPower