A review by dyamonddd
May the Best Man Win by Z.R. Ellor

  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No


i dont usually find myself writing a review, okay? i am not a critic, i’m usually just here to vibe and move on. but THIS? this shit sucked fr. and i’m disappointed bc i went into this thinkin it was gonna be a cute little rivalry from a breakup turned into love again aka enemies (in some capacity) to lovers, but like literally that’s not what i got. 
what i got was literally the most INSUFFERABLE main characters ever — actually, pretty much everyone in this book is SHIT — and a half assed plot that literally went into like 400 different other things and was just a mess. a mess! this also has lots of problematic elements like, it was just really jarring for this to be like a YA type of story for there to be like INSANE dark elements and animosity and like everyone in this story is just so unnecessarily ugly to each other, it’s just awful. 
ALSO: the romance literally is kinda shoved down your throat, like throughout this whole thing there is NOOOOO basis for them to be together at all but somehow its just quickly made to happen at the tail end like???? i DONT UNDERSTAND.
the way i will never get my fucking two days back that i spent reading this is SAD. TRAGIC. HEARTBREAKING. i wanted to dnf so many times just spare yourselves if you’re thinking of reading it, i literally think finishing it has made me lose many brain cells and i’m so sad. it’s only getting a star for sol and another quarter bc of philip’s downfall, and even that wasn’t satisfying bc of all the other bullshit in this book.

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