A review by spencesational
My Shit Life So Far by Frankie Boyle


3.5 stars. Funny in places but mainly I didn't understand a thing he was saying! Not because of his nationality; I am half Scottish and understand the Scottish ways and way but just because it didn't seem to go anywhere. Maybe that is his point but I think he can go over the top sometimes. To him, it is for shock value but I don't think so much of it is necessary. As with most things in life moderation is the key, it's the excess that can kill you and I think the excess killed the book for me.

Also, and probably mainly, I bought this autobiography to find out about Frankie's life but there is no mention of when he was born, only brief mentions of ex-partners and nothing mentioned about his parents. Most of it is just incomprehensible rambling. Mock The Week is also only skirted over briefly. To be honest I feel a bit betrayed.