A review by mdoerr
The Lights on Knockbridge Lane, by Roan Parrish


If you're looking for a great holiday Christmas book this season, read this book. We follow Adam, a newly single father to his 8 year old daughter, Gus. They move back to his home town after his divorce and to try and make Gus happy for Christmas they decide to put as many lights on the house as possible. Gus is very science oriented and loves critters. She breaks into the neighbor house across the streets to see his lizards. This is how Adam meets Wes, the reclusive odd science neighbor that everyone in town says is either a wizard, vampire, or werewolf (and no this is not a supernatural book). Wes and Adam spark up a friend ship that becomes more.

While it is not said on page I believe it is implied that Wes is on the autistic spectrum. He doesn't like unwanted touch or being looked at. His interested are science and has totally immersed himself in that world. We get both Wes and Adam's perspectives as the relationship develops and its very sweet (with a few spicier scenes).

I would highly recommend this book, I couldn't put it down and read it in under 24 hours.