A review by aliviasbookshelf
Loveless by Alice Oseman


Rating: 3.5

I read this book with such high expectations, and it genuinely wasn’t bad. I just had some things ruin it for me.

To start, this story is a very personal journey and should not be taken as THE AROACE experience story. I do appreciate the author acknowledging the spectrum but I would’ve liked to see more exploration of it. That being said, it is the authors journey and maybe someone else has also experience it similar to our protagonist.

I enjoyed the story overall, a fun blend of drama and DRAMA, Friendships and lots of other fun things. It wasn’t as good as heartstopper but it was definitely a solid story. While I do recommend this book for AroAce characters, please don’t use this as your sole educator

My two biggest issues:
-Rooney. Her coping mechanism was not a problem alone, but the stereotyping and stigma around it as well as the way Georgia treats it the entire time just kind of struck me as off. Like the character is allowed to just be sex positive, and the way they kind of treated it as her getting better when she stopped was just kind of iffy.
-Sunil. They’re introduced as nonbinary, he/they but literally not once in the entire book does anyone use they in reference. Strictly he/him. Even their best friend.