A review by quoththegirl
The Chessmen of Mars, by Edgar Rice Burroughs


Burroughs' attitude towards plot is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," so once again we have a princess getting kidnapped and in need of a rescue. I will say, though, that I enjoyed this installment more than the previous one because for once the princess (in this case Tara, John Carter's and Dejah Thoris' daughter) is a character in her own right, and we actually follow her experiences more than those of her rescuer. Tara is also a lot more proactive than her predecessors, which was a nice change. Burroughs resurrects his frame narrative for this book, albeit perfunctorily. While I do wonder what he does with the series after this, I'm going to conclude my little adventure through Barsoom, at least for now. Gotta take a break from all these kidnappings.