A review by elisabarojas
City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare


Though a bit predictable at times, I did enjoy the book! The narrative changed from previous installments of the series. The multiple narrators reminded me of a simplified Game of Thrones (grant it, in style only, don't think I'm actually comparing both series). I think it is even better like this, without having to be inside Clary's head the whole time. She can get annoying with all the "Jace is perfect" rants. I would much rather ration her and mix it up with what everyone else is thinking.

The ending? I don't know if I would have enjoyed it better were it different. Is Sebastian turning at the very end a nice touch or isn't it? Can't decide. Same thing goes with the Simon's conclusion.

I liked how she tied in the story with the characters in the Clockwork series. Regarding them, It's perfectly clear who Zachariah is, yet they never disclose his name. What is the point of that?

The side story with the Blackthorns and Emma Carstairs was clearly the author setting up a spin-off. I don't complain! I liked the characters and plan to read that series as well.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read!