A review by sewagewaterrat
Say Your Prayers by Kathryn Moon, Crystal Ash


Characters: Deyva, Zach, Stavros, Kais, Azariah

The book was pretty nice and sweet until Kais was more involved in it. It had such a nice potential to get 4 stars. But that guy is so wack, I hate characters like that. Such a cry baby, toxic masculinity, uses anger bcs he can’t deal with any other emotion. Just shut up, nobody cares. I wish he died 5 chapters in. But unfortunately he didn’t, instead he ruined everything. How boring and disgusting is he pls

Other than that, Stavros was one of the best book boyfriends I’ve seen, so sweet and at the same time super fun. Zach is a lost puppy, don’t care ab him that much. Azariah had some good moments that were just glanced over.

All in all, not a bad book, but the alpha male parts really ruined it for me. I personally have no problem reading stuff like this, but I guess that religious people would cry if they read some parts.

Spice: 3/5