A review by futurama1979
Doctor Who: 12 Doctors, 12 Stories by Richelle Mead, Marcus Sedgwick, Philip Reeve, Neil Gaiman, Alex Scarrow, Holly Black, Michael Scott, Charlie Higson, Derek Landy, Malorie Blackman, Eoin Colfer, Patrick Ness


⟶ 3.6/5 stars. Star rating averaged from individual story ratings.

A Big Hand for the Doctor- This one was really cute; the high point for me was when it talked about 1 and Susan's relationship, because those moments were so sweet and he's such a good granddad. The plot wasn't super original and it wasn't long enough to really get into anything but it was serviceable and I liked the little ending. 3/5

The Nameless City- I wish SO BAD that this had been a little longer/expanded into a novel or audio because the concept of this one was so great and the descriptions and the narration style just gave you such a good picture of stuff. The concept was so good and it was well executed too, and something that came up as a problem in the later stories - the Doctor just being A Doctor and not having a strong character voice for the specific one in the story - was not here at all. The dialogue was really in-character. 5/5

The Spear of Destiny- To be honest this one was kind of lame. There were moments I enjoyed and little character bits or plot tricks that were good, but it kind of just fell flat. The plot wasn't super perilous and gripping, the dialogue - especially for Jo; poor Jo - was generic, and it didn't leave me with any strong impressions. 1/5

The Roots of Evil- Okay this one I also didn't enjoy a ton, just maybe because of the writing or the fact that the author didn't try to establish/get you invested in any of the supporting characters. The concept was super cool though, and so was the ending. 2/5

Tip of the Tongue- I really liked this one so much! The worldbuilding was really strong, and the setting and the POV character and how the author focused almost more on real-life historical and social issues than on the sci fi plot going on were all really compelling. I also liked how the Doctor wasn't a huge figure in it, and wasn't even there for most of it, just coming in at the end to explain things. It was nice to see what a Dr Who episode would look like to one of the supporting/non-main characters. 4/5

Something Borrowed- This one was okay! Like. Extremely okay. Middle of the road. In a nice way, like there weren't that many things I didn't like in it. I like 6 and I like Peri and I like the Rani, so it was totally enjoyable for me. The plot was really light and fluffy and sort of unsubstantial but it was in-character and funny. 3/5

The Ripple Effect- This one was super fascinating. I loved seeing this alternate reality they presented and I like how it tested the Doctor's convictions. Not a favourite story by any means, but good for examining the Doctor's character akin to how they did in the episode "Dalek." 4/5

Spore- Oh this one is so close to being a 5/5. The concept was fascinating and dark and Annihilation-esque, the resolution was cool, and the setting and atmosphere were so well done and so strong. The one issue with this one was the Doctor's characterization. Like I know 8 is one of the more obscure Doctors but he has a really strong character voice which was just. not here at all. He was so totally written as just a generic Doctor. 4/5

The Beast of Babylon- I love when the author chose to set this one - I just really like stories that take place between when 9 leaves and comes back at the end of "Rose." And aaaa!!! Non-human companion! I really really liked Ali and I thought she was such a strong character! The concept of the story was okay; it seemed to focus more on Ali's character and her relationship with the Doctor, which was good! I wish he'd taken her along though. 5/5

The Mystery of the Haunted Cottage- This one was super fun. As someone who read a ton of those super long series of kids' mystery and investigation books when I was little, I definitely vibed with the plot and setting. Like, those were super cool. Perfect, actually. But the end was a little inconclusive and the Doctor was falling under generic Doctor writing, and Martha was falling under generic companion writing a tiny bit too. 4/5

Nothing O'Clock- The plot of this one was so good, and there were moments in it that were genuinely really unsettling. The villain was really well done. My biggest issue was that the resolution happened so quickly and so not-climactic-ally; it was over in one second, and not even in a really satisfying way. It felt like they didn't have to work at all to win, or even do anything. Super great concept though. 3/5

Lights Out- AAA!! This one might be my favourite in the whole book. This one was in first person POV, which I would usually be a little wary of in a Dr Who story, but it used it so brilliantly and every second of it was written with such class. Like, the POV character is introduced, established, and developed well within the first two pages, and he's a really compelling character. Then the setting is great, then the slow realization of what's actually happening is even better. The Roger Ackroyd-type twist was so genius. 5/5