A review by shelfaddiction
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare


Two words can summarize the ending to this trilogy, bittersweet and satisfying. I don't know how I missed that the Infernal Devices books are a trilogy. I guess I just thought it'd be a longer series like the Mortal Instruments, but when I got to the Epilogue it was clear, this was the end. I'm sad to see the end of this Shadow Hunter Steampunk journey, but it was fun while it lasted. Even though both the Infernal Devices Trilogy and Mortal Instruments Series can be read independently of each other without spoiling the each other, I still recommend reading all the Mortal Instrument books first. because I enjoyed seeing things from the MI series show up in the ID series. It was very cool to see how things connected. I enjoyed having a point of reference that allowed me to have a few "Ah ha" moments.

I liked that Tessa finally ends up with one of her two guys...or does she? She really didn't make a decision, it was made for her. That part was a bit disappointing because I was hoping that she would grow a pair and pick a guy, but she did not. Regardless. I do think she married the right guy (I won't say who!).

I didn't like the change of events regarding Jem. I don't want to get all spoiler-ish, so I'll just say it was sort of a cop out. Almost like nothing too bad could happen to any of these characters, except to the official bad guy, Mortmain and his automation demon/robot army of course.

Over all, major components of the story were a tad predictable, For example, I knew something was wrong with the Consul the whole time, but it didn't really matter. I knew that Gabriel would end up with Cecilia, etc. Those are small things, does it matter enough to take away from the story? Not so much in this case, it was fun to read after all.

I adore all the adults in this series. They are present throughout the story and influence the young Shadow Hunters in a positive way. They teach and support them, but not in a parent type way. They are family and the young Shadow Hunters respect them, which has them acting a bit more mature at times. I also love Magnus! He's funny, smart mouth and so wise when it comes to matters of the heart. He is technically old as dirt, so I guess he should know a lot!

I actually teared up at the end of this book, and I promise, that rarely, if ever happens to me! That says a lot. So if you enjoy Steampunk and fantasy, you'll enjoy this series. Check it out!

Already love Cassandra Clare's Shadow Hunter world? Well I found that there is another spin off, The Bane Chronicles, which are 10 short stories all about Magnus and his world. I'm looking forward reading those to that as well! Book one, What Really Happened in Peru, came out two weeks ago.

Want even more Shadow Hunters....here it comes! Ms. Clare is a very busy author, she's turning out these books with reckless abandon! There is another a new series, called “The Dark Artifices, set in present day LA with a whole new cast of Shadow Hunters. The release of the first book is set for a 2015. This series will start after the conclusion of the MI series.

Did you read this trilogy? Tell me your thoughts!