A review by chapterswithcheincle
Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center


Everyone is Beautiful 
by Katherine Center 
4/5 ⭐️

Lanie Coates gives her heart and soul to her three little boys and her husband, Peter. Giving them all her time, she has no time for herself. When the family leaves their cozy home in Texas so Peter can pursue his dream of becoming a professional musician, Lanie hopes she can find herself again too. 

Rediscovering herself proves to be a bigger crusade than she expected. Finding the time and energy seems to be the easy part, but remembering her dreams and aspirations is the challenge. Lanie charges at her transformation by joining a gym, taking photography classes, and confiding in her new best friend. Just when Lanie is starting to feel comfortable in her own skin again, one little mishap will jeopardize everything she worked so hard for. Will she be able to rebuild herself without losing her family and friends? 

Everyone Is Beautiful is a spirited, but relatable story. From the first chapter, I wanted to become Laine’s friend. @katherinecenter always writes likable characters that are messy but honest. Laine’s journey to find herself again realistically depicts the trials and tribulations of motherhood. Plus I had a soft spot for her, having three boys of my own. I once heard Katherine say “Love is a form of hope.” This book is a great example of her words.