A review by coco_lolo
Tiger's Quest by Colleen Houck


Kelsey, Ren, Kishan, and the whole gang are back in Tiger's Quest, the sequel to Tiger's Curse.

I'm going to start off by saying that I already knew Ren lost his memories of Kelsey at the end. Still, it kinda had an impact on me, especially when he's arguing with Kishan about not remembering her and Kelsey hears. I want those two to be together (for now), so he had better remember how much he loves her!

That was probably my favorite part of the book, and also when the fight with Lokesh was explained, because I was wondering why they weren't freaking out that he had gotten Kishan's medallion and why Ren punched Kelsey. It was nice to understand it all.

Overall though, this book is pretty weak to me. Yes, I like the plot and how it's in India, but what I can't stand is Houck's writing style. Her sentences are horribly choppy and just do not flow at ALL. I was really hoping she'd improved some since the first book, but clearly she hasn't. Also, I liked Tiger's Curse better; I liked seeing Ren a lot (not that I don't like Kishan), see his relationship with Kelsey form, and I just enjoyed it more so than this book. Ren's getting a little bit more into the modern time, which is funny, and I love his love of peanut butter; it's cute. I like how Kishan can be so cocky and weak at the same time and can openly flirt so easily, and I must say, it would be very hard to pick which one I would fall in love with. And one more thing: faeries? Really? In this story? Gosh, that didn't work at all...

One of my main annoyances with this book is Kelsey herself; she just doesn't seem like a very strong character and I don't like the way she describes things. I mean, when she sees Ren all bloody and beaten in that vision, she should have described how he looked better. And it bothers me how she kinda uses Kishan (you know how I mean).

So, for now, I don't plan of finishing this series. And maybe I'm quitting too soon, but I just don't think it's working for me.