A review by cydneydaniel
The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman


This book has given me mixed feelings. It was beautiful and descriptive, and amazing history was woven into the story skillfully. The book was lovely in terms of how it was written. I love the words she used and how quickly she made my heart break with just one sentence. The story was a little slow, though, and I had trouble believing the romance part of the story. However, The Museum of Extraordinary Things was more than romance, and the rest of the book was very much worth the uninteresting love story. The relationship between Maureen and Cora was more interesting to me than the relationship between Eddie and Cora.

Museum of Extraordinary Things walks the line between historical fiction and fantasy, which is right up my alley. It was lovely and sad, but the ending was just how I think endings should be.

A couple of my favorite quotes from this book:

"Eddie had come to understand that what a man saw and what actually existed in the natural world often often were contradictory. The human eye was not capable of true sight for it was constrained by its own humanness, clouded by regret, and opinion, and faith." (Page 57)

"Love happens in such a way. It walks up to you, and when it does, you need to recognize it for what it is and, perhaps more important, for what it might become." (Pg 255)