A review by erinarkin20
Only Everything by Kieran Scott


3.5 stars

Only Everything by Kieran Scott had a slow start for me but I have to say, once it started moving a bit faster, I found myself enjoying the story. I think what really did it for me were the characters more than anything. Yes, the story is interesting but the way the stories of these characters are intertwined was done well and I found myself really liking each of them.

As the story begins, Eros – the Goddess of Love – has fallen in love with a mortal (Orion) and through the help of her mother, Aphrodite and her sister, Harmonia, she manages to keep him a secret but eventually her father Ares finds out about him and brings them both to Zeus for punishment. As part of her bargain with Zeus, Eros offers to do anything if Zeus spares Orion and he comes up with the idea that he will banish her to earth where she will be mortal and tasked with making three couples fall in love…without using any powers.

Eros definitely struggles as a mortal. She doesn’t quite get that she can’t just do whatever she wants without there being consequences. As she begins her first day of high school, she meets Charlie, another new student and they slowly become friends. This is also right about the same time that True (Eros’ name on earth) decides she is going to help Charlie find a girlfriend. Overall I liked True – she was absolutely not in her element but she has a good heart and was doing what she was for all the right reasons.

Charlie is used to moving around and this is just another school in the list of schools he has already attended. Because his father is a pretty big deal as a high school football coach, the family tends to move every few years. The thing is, Charlie has always been a different than his dad and brothers. They are all athletic and he loves being a musician and happens to be a pretty great drummer. As Charlie begins his first day, he is immediately pulled into the popular crowd because of who is responsible for touring him around and gets talked into trying out for Cross Country. When he makes the team, Charlie realizes things can be different and he can be a “cool” kid but he struggles with the fact that this means he probably can't be himself (according to others).

Katrina has had a really rough year since her father died and while her mother copes by working a lot and making Katrina feel like she isn’t even important to her anymore, she has come to rely more and more on her boyfriend, Ty. Unfortunately, he isn’t the best guy ever and takes advantage of her all the time in addition to treating her like crap quite a bit. Every time I got to a chapter from Katrina’s point of view I just wanted to crawl inside the book and give her a hug.

As the story progresses and these three characters’ stories are woven together, we find out more about each and how they all will have an impact on each other. I really did find myself rooting for all of them and wanted them to get what they wanted/needed. While Charlie and Katrina always tiptoed around the fact that they had feelings for each other, True realized it (after some trial and error) and forced them to see it as well. The addition of Hephaestus to help True get things done was great and I think he created a good balance to the story as well as got True beyond the whole, “I don’t know how to act human” thing.

Obviously this is only one match that True has made so she has two more before she can go back to Mount Olympus. I will definitely check out book two in this series to see what happens next. It appears Zeus has put a little spin on things based on how this book ended so I am curious to see what his real motive is and what he is up to.

Definitely check this out if you are looking for a cute YA romance.