A review by irishdrew83
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee


What can I, or anyone else, write about this novel that isn’t already written? The novels champions and critics alike have voiced their opinions on the various “themes” presented within the pages. Life in the South. Race relations. Social classes. Courage. Compassion for others. Gender roles. The law. The ever popular loss of innocence. All the things that academics discuss and bicker about to show they are true intellectuals. Then there’s Atticus Finch and his character’s impact on the legal profession. I could drone on about one or all these subjects, but I won’t. All the things I listed are lost, forgotten, and not given the slightest glance if not for the story told. I’ve said it, written it, and thought it with each reading, viewing, or hearing. The meaningless academic intellectual scrutiny is all secondary. The main component, the most important aspect is the story at hand. Without it everything else is meaningless and often is anyway. Let’s leave the pretentious line of thinking at the door shall we? I’m not an English professor, sociologist, or lawyer. I’m a writer. My main interest, only interest, is the story...

To read the rest of this review go to https://drewmartinwrites.wordpress.com/2016/04/01/to-kill-a-mockingbird-1960-review/