A review by mitskacir
Zeroboxer by Fonda Lee


I think if I hadn't already read [b:Jade City|43587154|Jade City (The Green Bone Saga, #1)|Fonda Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1547625704l/43587154._SY75_.jpg|55755047], I would have given this book a 4. But I (perhaps unfairly) couldn't help but compare Zeroboxer to her other work, and it just doesn't hold a candle to the Jade series. Despite that, I did enjoy the interesting world she created and the dilemma she created for her main character. I zoned out a bit during the fight scenes (as I usually do) and wasn't very interested in the romance (Lee's romances never pull me in - her only weakness as an author!), but I liked the ambiguous but hopeful ending and would recommend this to anyone looking for a sci-fi novel with good writing.