A review by readwithmoniqua
Glory Be by Danielle Arceneaux


Let me tell you something, Glory was a CHARACTER! No filter, nothing. Her best friend is found dead and is presumed a suicide, but Glory knows better, or at least she thought she did. Delphine, her daughter, is in town and is really there for a reprieve from her ensuing divorce, and gets caught up playing detective with Glory. Delphine done cheated on her husband and is now falling for a long time friend/someone else’s husband. Shameful. Now I knew Shirley was dirty and hateful, but she gave herself away to Delphine before Glory caught her on camera dumping her trash cans and slashing her tires. Jocelyn was a surprise, but she seemed like the type of fake nun to be a hussy and kill someone over a man. I’m glad Gus turned his life around and got away from Milton, Amity’s ex-boyfriend. He clearly had a level head. This book was soo good. And the cat? We can’t forget the cat, Patti.