A review by ifthebook
The Sky Always Hears Me: And the Hills Don't Mind by Kirstin Cronn-Mills


What I liked: the lesbian relationship was explored in a unique way. This was a straight girl who was confused by a kiss but then figured things out. She never spent a long time angsting about what it meant. Once she set her mind to it, she worked things out. I really liked that.

What I didn't like: the fortunes. I thought they were a little too gimmicky. Also, something about the book seemed a little predictable--small town-girl wants to get out into the big world but not everybody wants that.

I also didn't feel like all the different plot threads connected very well. There was her love life, there was her relationship with her father, her step-mother, and her grandmother, and there was her relationship with her brothers. None of the three really intersected much.