A review by pixiejazz
Fighting Back (Battle Ground #4) by Rachel Churcher


Fighting Back is book four in the Battle Ground series, and in this one, everything is coming to a head. It's the penultimate before the explosive end.

Bex is getting restless and anxious, wanting to do more than just train and practice and wait for the OIE to be ready to fight back against the government. She's determined to save her mom and Margie, and she'll fight with anyone to try and get her way.

Ketty is still reveling in her power, abusing prisoners and working to get them to incriminate themselves on public TV. But she's a powder keg waiting to explode.

Power plays and corruption abound, and Ketty and Bex are slowly realizing how little control they really have.

What happens when the hard truths hit them both? Will either of them be able to do the right thing before it's too late?

I absolutely adores Fighting Back. It's a slow burn that builds up to a wild ending, and I can only imagine how this series is going to end in book five. Ketty is still an awful person, although she's starting to realize the strain of keeping up that attitude. Is beating up prisoners and supporting the government really worth it?

Bex is also feeling the strain. She wants to do something, but she's still being used and treated like "just a face" instead of a person. But she's determined to get the OIE to listen to her, no matter what.

There's a lot of stuff going on. Not a ton of action, but tensions are escalating, and when that ending hits... wow!

I'm a huge fan of this series, and I can't wait to see how it's all going to end.

4.5 stars from me!